First part was the park.. Tried a bit but it was too dark to be able to make any interesting pictures. Too little contrast in the area. After that I decided to go to the city center. There were alot of cars, bikes and pedestrians giving a nice image with lights and shadows. I shot some silhouets and went to the next place. Utrecht Central Station, tram-stop. Busses went on and off, cars passed and sometimes a tram came by. There were more pedestrians and bikes here and the wet ground gave some nice reflections.
After that I had a small trip through the city but I didn't get that interesting images. I've got 2 series of 3 pictures now that I want to share. First serie is the red serie of the tram-rail close to my home. Second serie is the blue (almost black and white) serie that I took at Utrecht CS. Comments are more than welcome. Either positive or negative. I prefer the negative ones with arguments so I can learn from it :)