There are always periods where you have to come up with an idea but where you don't have any idea what to do. Last thing to do in such situations is to give up. Never give up :) But now what, where to start? Let's work down the situation. We've got an assignment for school for landscape/architecture. It's totally up to you what direction you want to go. It's a good thing when the pictures tell a story. But then again, what will be my story for this assignment?
First of all I write down the ideas that come up. Even the most stupid ideas are better than no idea at all. I want to improve my way of thinking so the pictures I make will be of more sense. I want to learn how to put a message in a picture. So the next thing to do is writing down a possible story beneath the possible subjects.
For example:
subject: Ruines
story behind it: buildings that show things that were, things that have been, history. The setting can give an idea about what happened in the building, what kind of function the building had. It tells a story about how things went after the last people left.
how to take the picture: search for elements that tell the story of the past.
Don't know yet what the subject will be for this assignment, but this is certainly one of the possibilities. Last week we've seen a documentary about Ed Burtynsky. His works about the manufacturing in China made an impression to me. It was really huge and in his works it comes back :)
Don't know what it will be yet, but at least I've got some more inspiration now ^^ When you don't have any inspiration at all, just get a piece of paper and start to write. In the end I bet you can choose between some different ideas ^^